How-to Videos from Camp Evergreen Counselors

How to make an obstacle course

Superhero Crafts with Hannah


Nature Fun

Coffee Ground Fossils



  • 1 cup Flour 

  • 1/2 cup Cold Coffee 

  • 1 cup Coffee Grounds(used) 

  • 1/2 cup salt 

  • Collected nature items

1. Go out in the yard or for a walk to search for treasures to make into fossils. Good things to use are twigs, leaves, flowers, small rocks.

2. Next, measure all ingredients and put into a bowl. Stir well. If the mixture seems a little too moist

(it should resemble a dough consistency), add a little more flour. Knead until smooth. 

3. Work the dough into smooth balls and then flatten on a piece of waxed paper.

4. Press objects into the clay, using one or more of the collected items. Remind kids to share. Allow all

fossils to dry thoroughly before removing from the waxed paper.

“Archery” – Here’s a safer but almost as fun version for home!

Mini Bow and Arrows



  • Scissors

  • Popsicle Stick

  • Q-Tip

  • Dental Floss

How To:

  1. Cut 4 notches in the popsicle stick

  2. Soak the popsicle stick in water for an hour or more

  3. Tie the floss around one end of the popsicle stick wrap it a few times

  4. Gently bend the popsicle stick

  5. Wrap and tie it on the other end making sure the floss is taut and one the same side of the popsicle stick on both ends

  6. Decorate your bow if desired.

  7. Cut one end off the q-tip